ACQUIRE participate in the celebration event for the first Water Discovery Challenge as one of the Winners (September 2024)
In September this year, the Ofwat Innovation Fund marked the end of the first Water Discovery Challenge with a celebration event that...

Mounce Hydrosmart part of the winning team for the Outstanding partnership in sustainability and the environment category in the Knowledge Exchange and Impact Awards 2024 (August 2024)

Mounce Hydrosmart featured in NCUB case study (March 2024)
Mounce Hydrosmart Ltd was included in one of the case studies contained in the National Centre for Universities and Business Drops of...

Ofwat Discovery Winner Award (February 2024)
Mounce Hydrosmart Ltd are thrilled to announce that we’ve been named as one of the of Ofwat’s Water Discovery Challenge Winners!

Discovery Winners announcement at the #Worldwatertech Innovation Summit in London.
Mounce Hydrosmart are thrilled to announce that we’ve been named as one of the of Ofwat’s #WaterDiscoveryChallenge Winners! The...

PointsAI project: BridgeAI grant funded by Innovate UK (September 2023)
Mounce Hydrosmart Ltd are pleased to be jointly awarded a BridgeAI grant funded by Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency. The 6 month...

Ofwat Discovery Finalist Award (July 2023)
Mounce Hydrosmart Ltd in association with the University of Sheffield are excited to have been named as one of 20 finalists sharing in...

ASCE Journal paper published on leakage localisation research project with United Utilities
Boatwright, S. B., Mounce, S. R., Romano, M. and Boxall, J. B. (2023). Integrated sensor placement and leak localisation using...

CSOA Journal paper in ASCE special issue on Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (2023)
Shepherd, W., Mounce, S. R., Sailor, G., Gaffney, J., Shah, N., Smith, N., Cartwright, A. and Boxall, J. B. (2023). Cloud based...

Ofwat Discovery Challenge (2023)
Mounce HydroSmart are excited to be competing in the Ofwat Discovery challenge with our #WaterBrightIdea to help solve the biggest...